Types of Keto

Types of Keto 

  • Lazy Keto Diet 

According to Allison Knott, MS, RDN, CSSD, a registered dietitian in New York City, “the most frequent definition of lazy keto is to eat no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day without calculating calories or tracking the other macronutrients, protein, and fat.” 

The metabolic condition known as ketosis is unlikely to emerge from this, she added, adding that it sounds ideal in theory for people who don’t love keeping track of every bite of food they consume. 

When the body switches from using glycogen (carbohydrate) stores for energy to burning fat, the process is known as ketosis. The body burns both the fat you eat and the fat you have accumulated when you are in ketosis. The keto diet’s much-touted ability to aid in weight loss depends on ketosis. 

However, forcing yourself into ketosis by cutting out practically all of your carbs is more difficult. Yes, carbohydrates provide energy directly in the form of glucose. Your body will require a different energy source if they are absent. 

If you’re not careful, a process known as gluconeogenesis can turn protein into that Source of glucose. It might spell the end of the lazy keto idea. According to Michelle Shapiro, MS, R.D., a registered dietitian in New York City, “Protein has an insulinogenic response, which means that eating too much protein on a ketogenic diet will actually induce the body to use glucose for fuel instead of ketones, thereby bringing the person out of ketosis.” 

“It is extremely likely that the ketogenic diet will not be done effectively, and the individual will feel very hungry,” she continued. “If macronutrients are not balanced and nutrient timing, i.e., while eating meals, is not closely regulated.” 

  • Dirty Keto Diet 

According to “The Dirty Keto Life,” it’s a form of ketosis that emphasizes maintaining a daily carb intake below 20 grams while allowing you to consume things that other followers of the diet might forgo. 

According to the group’s administrators, “although there may be some items you avoid because YOU react negatively to them, just because a food has added sugar, starch, wheat, or whatever, it is not off-limits if it meets your macros,” or the ratio of carbs, fat, and protein that you eat each day. The dirty keto lifestyle is further described by Women’s Health as allowing more processed foods. They say, “For instance, you choose more processed meals, such as sliced cheese and pig rinds, instead of going all-in on avocado and olive oil.” 

Dr. Monali Y. Desai, a cardiologist, defines “dirty keto” as adhering to the ketogenic diet’s low-carb guidelines without making an effort to meet daily targets for protein and fat intake. 

According to Desai on her YouTube channel, a ketogenic diet consists of moderate amounts of protein, high levels of fat, and few carbohydrates. “A filthy keto diet is one where you mainly adhered to the low-carb portion of the diet but not the protein or fat portions. And you could not even be consuming a low-carb, healthful diet.” 

Therefore, as long as they stayed under 20 grams of carbs per day, a “dirty keto” practitioner, for instance, would be completely happy with consuming fast food three times each day. 

A severe keto dieter would strive to eat complete, unadulterated meals in addition to keeping their carbohydrate intake under 20 grams. Depending on the type of ketogenic diet they are following, they would also be sure to adhere to a specific ratio of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. 

  • Clean Keto 

A healthy, nutrient-dense paleo diet combined with the keto diet’s fat-burning macros is known as clean Keto. Clean Keto is a health-focused approach to the keto diet. 

The clean ketogenic diet increases micronutrient density, giving your body access to more minerals and vitamins that are vital for improving every aspect of your health, including digestion, mood, brain function, skin, and hair health. Clean Keto prioritizes healthy food options over dirty Keto, another variation of the keto diet that takes a much more lax approach and focuses on convenience foods that are frequently deficient in micronutrients. For lunch, for instance, a clean keto approach might entail choosing healthier options like fish with a side salad drizzled with a C8 MCT oil dressing as opposed to fast food like a bunless bacon cheeseburger. 

Clean Keto can provide several long-term health advantages over other approaches. This strategy will enable you to get the most out of the clean keto diet in terms of weight loss, health, and overall well-being. 

Listed below are just a few advantages of the clean keto diet: 

  • Smooth digestion 
  • Steady energy levels, 
  • Increased concentration, 
  • Long-term vigor 
  • Enhanced metabolism, 
  • Steady weight loss 
  • Better skin health 
  • Boosted immunity 
  • Improved mood. 

Clean Keto offers its devotees additional macronutrients, fiber, and potent anti-inflammatory advantages by emphasizing the consumption of complete foods. It’s a sustainable option that aids in losing additional weight while enhancing general physical and mental wellness. 

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